How to Read More in The Age of Technology

       When we finally reach the age when adults stop telling us what to do, the nagging about how we need to read more fades away. And with it goes all our motivation to do so, especially if back in our childhood we ignored them. So, how will you start?

       It’s not as hard as it may seem to pick up a good book and get absorbed into its world, but, like any habit, it needs to be worked upon to stick. In the end, you may still prefer to listen to an audiobook or watch a movie, and that is ok! But it is definitely worth giving it a try.

Choosing a genre

       When it comes to which genre you should read, there is no rule book as to where to start or what to read. It is a process that requires a lot of thinking about what you might like to read. For example, if you enjoy sci-fi movies, you could try a fantasy book. Or, if you prefer romcoms, a YA novel should be a perfect match for you! Whatever you choose, make sure it’s what you like and something that could entertain you.

Getting recommendations

       There are many good books out there, ready to be explored, but there are just as many bad ones. So, it would be best to get some recommendations from friends or even the internet, just so you don’t get stuck on a boring book that will make you think all of them are like this. If you want to start reading classics, for example, my recommendation would be „The Great Gatsby”. It has accessible language and shorter sentences, with a captivating plot that will catch your eye and keep you enthralled.

Finding the right moment

       After a long hard day of staring at a screen, your eyes are bound to be tired. Hence why the nighttime isn’t the best time to start reading. Try finding some time in the morning or during your break to read at least 20 pages, when you’re not feeling tired.

The perfect reading space

       I cannot be the only one that feels the need to close their eyes and sleep as soon as I see my bed. That’s why, for me, it’s best to avoid the bed when it comes to reading. Find a quiet place, with good lighting, settle down and read. That could either be a couch next to a window or even at your desk. It’s different for everyone, but it changes your experience if you chose it right!


       The hardest part of reading during the modern age of technology is convincing yourself that you will have a better time reading than watching TV. The best way to avoid letting the TV win is to set a schedule for downtime from devices. It doesn’t have to be a long time, nor do you have to start with a lot so soon. After a lifetime of being dependent on technology, it’s hard to give up on it so easily, but doing it gradually eases up the process.

Always have a book on you

The best way to read during a busy day is always carrying a book around. Whether you have an appointment in which you have to wait 10 minutes or just a few minutes of peace during school, having a book available is the best way to make sure you read at least 20 pages a day.

Setting a goal

       Setting personal goals gives you a certain satisfaction. These goals can apply to reading too. You can set a minimum of pages to read a day and create a notebook in which you can write down your progress easily. That way, you will have something to keep you motivated throughout the day.

Reading challenges

       One of the fun ways to read more is to take part in challenges. You can compete with your friends and see who can finish a book faster, or even how many books you can read in a week. Either way, involving friends in your activities is always a good alternative and way to make it more interesting and less tedious.

       Finally, the most important thing is to want it. Where there is a will, there is power, so don’t feel threatened by a book, because it can be the place where you find your truest friends and where you’ll have the best of times.

Editor: Daria Mirea

Grafician: Marilena Bivolaru

Mara Belizarie